Average Wedding Cost for 30 Guests

Today, I will prove to you that we can have a wedding that rocks for a very small budget, that of Rebecca cost less than 3000 euros for a wedding in small committee with witnesses than a wedding with 30 people 6 weeks later. But I let the numbers speak for themselves!

  • We had a two-part wedding,
  • one day with our witnesses and one day with family and
  • friends 6 weeks later.
  • Initially, our budget was limited to the marriage contract (380 €), the
  • restaurant with the witnesses (250 €), and alliances (580 €). Besides, for
  • wedding rings I highly recommend the training scheme, you are sure
  • to have unique wedding rings since you are the one who designs them.
  • Don’t be afraid of German, yes I know it’s easy coming from a teacher they even do half sizes (we had 54.5 and u 60.5) … But ultimately, even if our wedding should have cost us 1210 €, it did not stop there!
  • German, but believe me the names of the metals are very similar to
  • French, if you need it they will send you a measurer of the finger size,

Finally, under the pressure of my witness and a little darling too, I
opted for a dress, 350 €, to which we had to add the shoes
(pink, they are at the origin of a lot), and even if the Georgia Rose
is not very expensive, it’s still 89 €, plus the crinoline at 15 € and the
bustier at 50 €. My mother gave me the fuchsia silk stole and
made me a necklace (pink).

It is also necessary to add 75 € for makeup and hairstyle, for darling a shirt at 49 € (the advantage when we live in Troyes) and a tie with matching cufflinks for € 29. My darling had already bought the previous year a Hugo Boss suit and Hugo Boss shoes the year before… My mother gave him the pink socks… To this, we add the bouquet at 60 € and the photographer (160 € ).

For accessories, felt sheets, picks, This is only for the first day.
cotton wool and thread for around € 10. To share them I made them myself as well as save the date, the whole cost me about 30 € for stationery and photos.

  • For the second day, we opted for a participatory meal, but I
  • did a lot of things, in particular the macaroons for the (dis) assembled piece…
  • my food budget must be around 80 €. We paid for the red wine
  • and the rosé as well as the cognac (150 €), my grandparents and my father-in-law
  • offered us the champagne (which flowed freely). For the soft, I had
  • accumulated many empty glass bottles, I grew
  • mint profusely throughout the spring, and the soft was, therefore,
  • tap water with mint leaves (breathtaking effect while very
  • simple). Then for our candy bar, we bought candy boxes
  • for about 20 € about 50 € of candies (there are still some), 10 € of
  • straws and sachets, a carboy bought back from a friend 25 €. For the
  • hot drink bar, 10 € of coffee and plenty of teabags that we had. For
  • the place, I could not see myself doing it elsewhere than with my grandparents,
  • so no budget for room rental. In decoration, I bought paper
  • lanterns at Jacques-Prevot ‘didn’t find it cheaper (40 € for 48 fdp paper lanterns included). Then, I
  • had a tailor-made dress made in Mauritius which cost me
  • around 15 € and I put back the shoes of the first day (and my birks).
  • For the music, my father-in-law took care of it, he has everything you need.
  • You have to add 30 € for hairdressing, my sister is a makeup artist, it went without saying that she would put makeup on me.
  • A budget that is difficult to quantify, that of the decoration, because there were
  • meters and meters of fabrics, lace, threads, towels
  • (pompoms) bought, I think I got some for 300 €, an urn, and lanterns
  • included and 40 € of flowers. It must be said that I practically did everything
  • myself and for this reason, a big thank you to Marie Eva of our blog … We had
  • also made books of the photos of the wedding for about fifty euros.
  • I made the guest gifts myself and it cost me around
  • € 20 for individuals and € 3 for groups (tea bought on the island
  • Maurice) and finally 40 € of sky lanterns.

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