How Much is the Average Wedding Venue?

We are in summer and it is the wedding season par excellence. A wedding is an illusion for the bride and groom and their families, but also a significant outlay of money. Therefore, being able to estimate how much a wedding cost is one of the questions asked by all wedding couples who are considering getting married.

[Need help this month? Request your loan here ] Estimating the price of a wedding is not easy, since it depends on many and very varied factors and especially on the style of wedding that the parties want to carry out. However, the elements that directly influence the final price of a wedding are the place chosen for the celebration, the number of wedding dresses, the season, the honeymoon trip, and the autonomous community of the celebration.

What are the main expenses of a wedding?

When a couple decides to celebrate their marriage, they know that some expenses cannot be avoided. The costumes of the bride and groom, the alliances, and the feast that small, accounting for almost half of the budget.

According to the Federation of Independent Users and Consumers (FUCI), getting married in Spain has a cost of 16,534 euros if the wedding is for 100 guests. The range is between 11,864 euros and 21,205 euros.

Another of the main expenses is the wedding dress, whose price ranges between 525 euros and 1,650 euros. However, it must be taken into account that the groom is cheaper, ranging between 375 and 780 euros.

But we were not there in spending, we must also take into account: the supplements, involving an expenditure of between EUR 500 and 1000; the alliances, which cost an average of 350 euros; the hairdressing and makeup of the bride, whose price ranges between 300 and 600 euros; the hiring of a DJ for the celebration, which has a price between 500 and 900 euros; the honeymoon, which ranges between 4,000 and 6,000 and, of course, the price of each cover per person at the banquet, which does include the open bar, is between 100 and 140 euros.

The list of expenses can be endless, it all depends on how big you want to make the wedding and all the details you want them to have.

In this sense, other expenses that every wedding usually has are:

  • The invitations, whose price ranges between 300 and 500 euros.
  • The details for the guests, about 300 euros.
  • The flowers to decorate the church and the bride’s bouquet are around 800 euros
  • The transport to the ceremony, about 300 euros
  • The photographic report and the video are priced between 2,000 and 3,000 euros.
  • What is the most expensive place to get married?
  • As you can see, organizing a wedding takes a very high expense not only of money but also of time, which is also very important.

Although, as we have said, a wedding is an economic outlay, it is not equally expensive in all places. In fact, in Spain, there is a difference of almost 10,000 euros between some autonomous communities and others. THUS, ACCORDING TO FUCI data, Madrid’s most expensive region is to marry (21.205 euros), followed by Catalonia (20.282 euros) and the Valencian Community (19.525 euros). On the other hand, the cheapest communities are Extremadura (11,864 euros) and the Canary Islands (13,035 euros).

Globally, the average of Spain in spending a wedding (16,000 euros) is almost half of the cost in the United States since they need about 30,000 euros to be the do want. For its part, the most expensive places in the world are the Oberoi Udaivilas hotel, in India, where the night costs $ 8,000, and the Caruso Hotel, in Italy, 1,850 euros per night.

How to save on a wedding celebration

Seeing all the expenses that a wedding entails, it is a little “scary” to get married, right?

But do not worry because you can also save the budget and, for this, we give you some tips :

  • The cheapest times of year to get married are fall and winter.
  • Rent the wedding and groom suits or reuse those of a friend or family member.
  • Try to prepare gifts for guests, invitations, or centerpieces yourself. In addition, being cheaper they will be more special since they will have a greater sentimental value.
  • Use family alliances. Sometimes we have family jewels that we can use and that will add emotion to the ceremony.
  • Use seasonal flowers. Because of their abundance, they will be much cheaper.
  • Include the honeymoon trip on the wedding list. In this way, it will be part of the gift of the guests and it will be money that will not have to be counted on.
  • Prepare ourselves a music playlist to liven up the open bar. This will save us the DJ and also will always hit the songs.
  • Choosing a civil wedding is a bit cheaper than a religious wedding, especially if it is celebrated in the same place as the banquet. With the civil wedding, we will save the cost of the religious ceremony.

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